Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Eиigмα - Thε Cяoѕѕ Of Chαиgεs (1994)

I'm sure most of you probably know a little something or other about this rather famous (or infamous) Electronic/Dance musical project from guitarist/producer Michael Cretu. Yes, the first album had that one Gregorian chant house cut called 'Sadeness' which is overplayed to shit and singlehandedly helped define the first half of the 90's sonically. Yes, this sophomore release has that one song from the car commercial where the "Aye-oh-AH-eeya-ahyaaa" is sampled. And, yes, this is one of the most well known New Age albums on the face of planet Earth, a frontrunner for "exotic" music that most people hate...

...but this is still still freakin' awesome! Everything from Led Zeppelin to Genesis to obscure classical opera is sampled within this record, and nowhere has such a mismash of muzakal sensibility and progressive songwriting idealism melded so profoundly and strongly in the world of ambient dance than here in Thε Cяoѕѕ Of Chαngεs.

Listen Here -"I Love You... I'll Kill You"

Try It
Buy It

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