Thursday, February 14, 2013

REVIEW: Shadows Of Our Souls - Sea Of Gold EP (2012)

A truly fantastic New Jersey reggae-rock project between two musically inclined brothers (Jeffrey and Jeremy King respectively), Shadows Of Our Souls put out this little gem of an EP, Sea Of Gold, on Soundcloud last year for any intrepid listener to experience. And if its of any indication, they're going to be a force to be reckoned with before a whole lot more time passes!

To elaborate, this set of tunes numbers seven, and even in that short space of music, its hard not to get taken in by their unique, laid back fusionized take on relaxation -- acoustic guitar idyllically riveting around some hip-hop texturing and the dazed, summery hip-hoppish banter and singing of the brothers themselves. 'The Crashing Tide' even featuring some nice, stoned out harmonizing that rises above some busy drum work and homegrown production. Incredibly promising stuff really, and yet another indication that some of the best stuff floating around there isn't being paraded around on Facebook giveaways or slick websites -- its the stuff being recorded by chill bros and thrown onto Soundcloud independently that the guys at the top need to be wary of...cause one day it'll rise up!

All that being said, anyone with a taste for something snazzy to smoke your next joint to would be wise to let Shadow Of Our Souls pay your browser (and your mind) a visit. Hell, you might even get just never know!

Check It Out Here!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Attention Bands, Artists and Singer/Songwriters: Want Free Advertising and Money?

Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I used to, everyone. Life keeps me busy even when I'm not having fun, lol. Do not worry though: The Widening Eye remains watchful, and more content shall be added as time goes on. :)

That being said, I'm now in a position to offer a rather intriguing opportunity for all of you readers who are in a band, going solo, whatever. Basically, I'm currently interning with a company who is building this really interesting website that's going to launch in early June. This company is co-owned by some prominent celebrities, and its going to be reaching thousands upon thousands of people across the world....and these guys need a Music section for promising bands and artists to contribute to!

Basically, this site is going to have a Music section where you, (the band, the artist, etc.) can advertise your stuff for free. All you need to do is upload a song you want others to listen to/download. As more and more people listen to your song, it rises in rank in the Music section. Once it hits the #1 spot on page one, you'll get paid 99 cents a download (like ITunes). Here's the cool part though: if your song stays in that top spot for 5-7 win $10,000 in cash to use any way you want, no strings attached. And this is a weekly thing, so there's always another chance to win.

That being said, it doesn't cost any money or resources on your part to participate: all you need is a song to show off your talent. And even if you don't win, your getting free exposure and advertising to thousands of people who wouldn't know about you its definitely worth it either way.

I don't care what genre or style you consider yourself to be. If you are interested in participating and taking advantage of this opportunity to further your own musical careers...please email me at houlgrave0(at)gmail(dot)com. Be sure to include the contact information you prefer to be contacted through and whatever band name/artist name, etc. you want to be doing this as.

I'm not a musician myself, but this is part of me giving back to all of you for doing what you guys do best: playing your asses off and making great tunes in the process. Thanks for reading, and don't be afraid to drop me a line!
